I consider Monday, May 24th, the first day of summer vacation. I had to go in for several hours to finish up my checklist before I could leave for the summer. You would not believe how much has to be done after the students are dismissed! I had to move my classroom to another location, but couldn't move in because another teacher had to love her things. She is not returning so she literally had to clean out and pack up her years of teaching because she is teaching at UGA this summer. My stuff is just sitting in a work work room right because she still wasn't out when I checked yesterday. I have a new position which I am pumped about. I will be an Early Intervention teacher for Grade 4. I will teach 11-16 students reading and math 6 times a day. These students are below grade level and did not pass the state test. It will be like a small class size, but I will not have the responsibility of a homeroom teacher because I will get them from their regular class for small group, dir...