
Showing posts from March, 2011

15 Weeks

Your Body Your energy may have returned but that doesn't mean you should be hitting the clubs until 4:00 AM every night. With a baby growing inside you, sleep is one thing that you can't go without. Try these tricks to ensure you beat up the sheets. If your growing belly is getting in the way of a good night's sleep, surround yourself with pillows to make for an extra-comfy nest effect. Sometimes room temperature can affect sleep, so make sure that your air conditioner is cranked up if you're feeling too hot. Some sleeping positions are more comfortable than others for pregnant woman, like the "I'm just going to pass out on the La-Z-Boy" position. And get comfy sleeping on your left side while you're preggers: It's what the docs recommend to keep the blood flowing full steam ahead between you and the tadpole. Your Baby Although many women don't start feeling the baby move until the 17th week (or later), your baby has been having his ow...

Cloth Diapering in Daycares

I found an informative article that will come in handy for us as we search out childcare providers soon. We went to The Natural Baby yesterday so we could physically touch the cloth diapering options available on the market. We've looked online and talked about the different systems. Seeing the different uses was helpful. We still haven't made a decision on which will work best for us, but we have decided to do the 3 week trial where we can try out any diapers for 3 weeks for $10. We end up only paying for the ones we decide to keep. I made a gift registry with the ones I thought we will like. I can return anything unused if we decide after the trial we did not like them. We are very excited about cloth diapering for economic, health, and environmental reasons. When I told my dad about all the options out there he commented on how much has changed when they used cloth diapers. I told him that now they have spray hoses you attach to the back of  your toilet to rinse off soli...

Week 14 Already

Think of it this way: You're a third of the way through and baby's a third of the way cooked. Now that the "big stuff" (like skeletal and organ development) is taken care of, your baby starts a period of rapid brain growth, fat buildup and detail work. Highlights this week include: Your baby now has fingerprints! Book 'em, Danno! Believe it or not, he actually created them himself while swimming around in the amniotic fluid. As he moved his hands, the skin on the tips of his fingers formed unique ridges and folds. That's why no one on earth has the same fingerprints, not even identical twins! Cool, right? Baby's arms are now in proportion to his tiny body, but his legs are still on the short size in comparison. Meconium, that tar-like, sticky first baby poop, is now loading up your baby's intestines, which means you might want to set aside a bottle of olive oil, one of the few things that will get the gooey poop off of baby's bottom. Your bab...

So many diaper options...

I like this Workhorse Prefold that has elastic legs and snaps. They come in different sizes and cost $5.50 each. I think I want to buy one even if our whole supply doesn't consist of them. I think we will go with these indian unbleached prefolds from The Natural Baby in Athens, GA. Their store just moved down the road from us and you can only visit the store by appointment.

Baby Wearing

I never knew there were so many benefits of baby wearing. I found a carrier today that I like-Moby Wrap. I found it at a baby reuse store for $25. I haven't purchased it because I wanted to come home and research it and see how easy (or difficult) it would be to use. I think I am going to purchase it ASAP.

Week 13 Bump



Joe and I picked out a name before we even found out we were pregnant-Grey. We were going to use it for a girl or a boy. I've known both a boy and a girl named that. As the name discussion came up again, we both decided we'd  rather keep looking. We both had hestitations so we went back to the drawing board. His dilemma was that he had never heard a person named Grey before. I didn't like the way Grey Hayes sounded. It is not easy to say together. We can throw a middle name in there to buffer the two, but most of their life, they would go by Grey Hayes. I wanted to choose two middle names. My brother had 4 names-Charles Edward DeVore Wersler. He only liked one of them so he wouldn't tell people the other one. Now I have two middle names. I wanted to keep all my names when I got married so my Social Security card sayes Rebekah Lee Wersler Hayes. I'm finding how hard it is to fill in applications or order things online because the boxes only allow for one middle int...

Bamboo Diapers

I just made my first purchase for baby. There is an awesome website called that I get updates from twice a day. At 11am and 11pm, they sell an item on clearance. They always have cute things but because we do not know what gender we are having, I refrain from making purchases. Today, I saw a 2-pack of bamboo clothe diapers for $24. I purchased one pack for us to try.

13 Weeks

Your baby can make a fist and even suck his or her thumb this week—both skills that are über-cute during infancy ... and not so much at the age of 9. If you're really lucky, you might catch a glimpse of baby's thumb sucking on an ultrasound photo. That's a framer! Other exciting developments include: Your baby's eyelids are fused shut to protect his eyes as they develop. His bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear. (Baby ribs! How cute is that?!) Baby's intestines are finally right where you want them—in his or her belly instead of poking out into the umbilical cord. Baby's tooth sockets are all loaded and ready to pop out baby teeth six or seven months after baby is born (causing baby a lot of pain and you a lot of lost sleep). Who's that singing? Elton John? Could be your baby: His vocal cords and larynx are completed now. Your baby-to-be now weighs about 20 grams and is nearly 3 inches long, or about the size of a Nutter ...

Baby gift from Liz

Reusable baby wipes (4-pack) and bamboo burp cloths. The opposite side of the baby wipes are terry clothe The other bamboo burp cloth (2-pack). They are soooo soft!

12 Weeks

Baby's face is looking more human as his eyes have moved to the front of his head and his ears are in place. Hooray! Other amazing fetal highlights this week: Your baby is able to swallow this week and practices on the amniotic fluid he or she floats in. (And you thought baby food was kind of nasty!) And in case you're wondering how your kid can breathe in all that fluid, here's your answer: Fetuses get oxygen from the blood pumped into their bodies by the placenta and don't breathe with their lungs. Mystery solved! This is kind of gross, albeit fascinating, so feel free to skip ahead: Your baby's intestines are well under way, but they aren't all where you'd expect them to be. Instead of all being locked away in the body cavity, some are dangling on the outside, in the umbilical cord. Ewwww. Don't forget to put a baby nail file on your registry—your little nugget's finger- and toenails are forming this week. The chin and nose are also becoming...