
Showing posts from September, 2011

Uterine Fibroids

So now that we know I have fibroids on my uterus, Joe and I have been researching them to see if it means anything in regards to future children and just my health in general. From what we have found, we do not know if they developed while I was pregnant or if I had them before. It didn't cause difficulty with fertility for us because we conceived after only two months of trying. I did read that women with fibroids are 6 times more likely to have a Cesarean and have labors that do not progress...Anyways, I wish Joe would have taken a picture of my uterus since they had it lying on my belly so I could see what it looks like. How will my uterus shrink back if it has golf size growths all over it?

Our Birth Story

This is a post I know I need to write. It will be difficult because I am still dealing with emotional issues tied to Lincoln's birth. However, this is our story. Sunday, September 11th, we went to church at Church of the Nations Assemblies of God in Oconee County. We have been enjoying the messages and the worship and have even met a few people. Another girl and I share the same due date so each week we check in to see if the other has had their baby. Joe and I cleaned the house and went grocery shopping together. I wanted to keep walking around so I went with him, even though I normally do not. Plus, I knew he didn't have a lot to buy so I didn't mind accompanying him. We watched Big Brother 12 that night before bed. We did our Five Love Language Couple's Devotional . Before turning out the lamp, I said,  "I'll let you know if my membranes release." I think it is interesting to reflect back on the day before labor began because we didn't know then t...

The best things aren't the easiest

Now that we are home from the hospital, we are finding that the best things aren't the easiest. When making decisions about how to birth and raise Lincoln, we had choices to make. First, it started off by planning a natural childbirth, free of medications and a loud traumatizing delivery. Laboring for over 24 hours without medication wasn't easy. If I had taken the medication, would things turned out differently? Would it have been easier? While I was in the hospital, a lady next door to me came in at 0 cm and a few hours later I saw a pink ribbon hanging outside the door. I figured she had Pitocin and an epidural and got it done! She sure made it seem easy! We also decided to breastfeed Lincoln. Growing up I wasn't around many breastfeeders. I wasn't breastfeed. I always said I wouldn't breastfeed because of the dependency I saw in the babies that did. I babysat one once and I couldn't soothe her because all she wanted was her mom. Sometime during the pregn...
So at yoga last night, Jenni, our instructor started talking about something that has been on my mind recently. She asked us to share about the birth we are hoping for. Everyone said they were hoping for either a natural or normal birth and with no or little interventions. I said I want a hypno-water birth, which is basically the same sentiments of classmates. Jenni said the medical definition of a normal birth is without medication, or interventions and delivered through the vagina. A natural birth also has the same definition. Some people like to argue that what might be normal for one, isn't normal for all. However, society defines normal birth in a hospital bed, lying on your back, medicated, and birthed through the vagina. 66% of women have vaginal births. Of course, C-section is just what it is and cannot be confused. There is a new movement of natural C-sections starting to rise, which is more of a family-centered C-section where the baby is removed ...