
Showing posts from April, 2012

On Becoming Baby Wise

A couple at our church told us about a book that really helped get their baby on a schedule. Their child was probably 12-18 months old when she told me about On Becoming BabyWise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam.  She did say that you take what you want from the book. She couldn't do the "whole-cry-it-out-thing". I don't think I mentioned anything about needing advice as I wasn't looking to put Lincoln on a schedule. I was practicing Attachment Parenting, which I didn't know that is what I was doing. (Another post to come soon on Attachment Parenting). I didn't go out and buy the book immediately. I actually saw it at reBlossom Mama & Baby Shop on their bookcase of used books about a month later. I think it was .99 cents. The owner told me to let her know how it was. Well, I started flipping through it, but skipped to Chapter 6 because the previous chapters were about establishing breastfeeding and weight gain, etc. I already had that down. So Chap...

Where do we belong?

One probably doesn't think about how a city/state influences your ideals and beliefs until you need to make a decision on where to live. Joe and I are both from the east coast of South Carolina, known as the Low Country. We both left unknowingly at the same time in July/August 2007. I left to get a new lease on life after a break-up. Joe left for similar reasons, except for new people and environment. I had visited Athens, GA several times with my ex-boyfriend and I decided to move there. Yes, the one I was trying to get over...He was a professor at the technical college, but he didn't live there at the time. Shortly after I moved here, I found out that he married (and lives in Athens). Closure happened very quickly and that is when I met Joey, Joe, Joseph. Besides the obvious, I moved to Athens because I liked the downtown area with used music and book stores and art and bead shops. I liked how people looked different; earthy and unique. Now I have been here almost 5 yea...

Nursing in the Bible

So I was curious how many references there are in the Bible about "nursing". I got out my trusty concordance from my Bible college years and looked up nursing. There were only a few scriptures. One was in red print spoken by Jesus right before crucifixion. 26As they led him away, they seized Simon from Cyrene, who was on his way in from the country, and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus. 27A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wailed for him. 28Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children. 29For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Luke 23:26-29 There was another reference is Isaiah 49:15: 15“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! My favorite refer...

Mastocytosis (Urticaria Pigmentosa)

Probably around January we noticed 3 brown spots on Lincoln. We thought he was getting moles or something. They popped up around the same time. The brown lesion is above his nipple At his 6-month well check (3/19/12), I asked the pediatrician to look at them. She said that moles don't pop up like that so we should have a dermatologist take a look at them. We scheduled an appointment with Joy Chastain's office (3/23/12), which Joe and I have been to for our skin. There are three ladies that work there and the one we were there to see, went to get another lady to look at them too. They were spouting off a lot of medical terms with their predictions. Ultimately, they recommended a biopsy so we could see what they were. Joe held Lincoln tight, which he didn't like. They injected numbing medicines and then they cut a piece of the one on his back. It was over quickly. I didn't like my babies' smooth skin being cut and scarred. We were told to keep it moist with Vasel...