Joe and I decided a long time ago that when Lincoln was around 1, we would try to start having another child. Well, the year is almost up and here we are...trying. We started trying to conceive this month (August). I think we will be successful. I feel like I am ovulating now so we'll probably know by the end of the month, probably sooner if Lincoln starts refusing my milk or if I get tender breasts. We are not finding out what we are having so we'll have both names picked out. I'm hoping for multiples since I have been skipping a month of ovulation and multiples run in both of our families. My grandfather is a twin and Joe's father is a twin. We would be happy with one too! I took a pregnancy test on Friday morning (8/31/12) when I woke up. It was negative. I read the instructions later and saw that it was good only after a missed period. At this point I do not even know if implantation had taken place yet. The next day in the afternoon (9/1/12), we took another ...