I know it's been forever
I know I haven't blogged in forever! I am 21-weeks pregnant. Second pregnancies are definitely different. This baby is going to ask, "Hey, where is the pregnancy journal and ultrasound videos/pictures of me?" We are doing things a little different with this one. We also are trying to care for another baby at the same time in the midst of this pregnancy. Lincoln is 17-months old now and is into everything. He is throwing food, standing on things, saying "no", throwing temper tantrums, getting molars (they need to come in already), falling and hurting himself, saying new words, doing what he sees others doing, etc. We have our hands full! Some days we are not as patient as we should be. I get tired easily. Lincoln can be rough; throwing toys and trying to climb my belly. It's hard sitting on the floor to play with him and if I am in a chair, he wants to be up there with me. We hired our first babysitter last weekend so Joe and I could attend a marriage c...