
Showing posts from January, 2014

"Once you get rid of everything, you need it again."

No, I'm not pregnant. I've heard that quote said before. Supposedly, once you get rid of all your baby stuff, you end up pregnant, like you jinxed yourself. I am not 100% sure we won't have more children, but I do know that I have a lot of clothes that do not fit the children that I do have. It is starting to pile up. I gave away the boy clothes 0-18 months recently to my nephew and a lady friend in our church having her 7th. Of course, Grey is growing like a weed and too tall for 6 months. We've been blessed with grandparents that go on clothing shopping sprees. That is the only time our children get new clothes. Everything we buy comes from flea markets or consignment stores (or given to us by cousins). I mean, how long do they actually wear the clothes? A few months, sometimes 2-3 times before it is too small or the season is wrong. When we lived in Athens, we shopped at reBlossom Mama and Baby Shop when we needed bigger pajamas or shoes and seasonal clothes. ...