
is the process of relaxing fibers and getting your fabric to the correct dimensions before sewing and felting. I finished Beth purse last night. Now I am blocking it. I plan on sewing up the sides and felting it tonight. All I will have left is cutting a button hole and buying a button. I could get it in the mail to her by Tuesday probably.

I also started the baby booties and they seem like they are going to be easy. I learned two stitches while working on them m1 (make one) and kfb (knit front & back).

Joe and I both went to the dermetologist on Friday afterschool. I signed him up for a full body exam because he has pale skin with freckles. His biological father has had skin cancer on his face so I wanted to take precautionary measures. They found some precancerous spots on his neck and face. They scraped and froze those off. I went in for a mole on my thigh coming out of my birthmark and a "cist-like" bump on my arm. She said, "Let's take 'em off!" Both of us left the office bandaged up and expecting biopsy reports in 10-14 days.

Friday night we ate seafood and saw the 'Dear John' movie. We both liked it because the passion was so strong and painful between the characters that we felt it. I do not normally cry so you know it must be emotional. There were songs that we liked and might be interested in the soundtrack.

Saturday morning we waited a couple hours for tires. Little did we know that that would only be the beginning of our waiting for the day. At the tax preparation, we waited 3 hours. At Johnny's Pizza, you always have a long wait. At Rite Aid Pharamacy, we waited to asked the pharamicist about fish oil and vitamins. I was happy when we got home.
P.S. Today is our 8 month anniversary!


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