Race Day
I have a 5K in less than two hours. I will be heading to Sandy Creek Park to register early. I am anxious about the race. I haven't even walked 3 miles for exercise recently. I know I can do it, just not prepared. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not trying to make a PR (personal record) so I shouldn't feel pressure. The weather is awesome so I am am just going to enjoy the sights and sounds. I'm not even taking music to listen to. Joe bought me Iron Girl sunglasses at Academy the other night as inspiration. My goal is to do an Iron Girl one day. I registered two years ago and couldn't bring myself to train for it. I'm hoping by doing this race today that I will fall in love with racing again and continue setting goals for myself.
There is an Eco-adventure race in April that I did last year and I would enjoy doing it again. I just need to start preparing and finding my teammates. I have to start somewhere, right?