Tuesdays *sigh*

I take an Exceptional Child class from 4:00pm-9:00pm on Tuesday evenings after school. The day is so 
l o n g. Thankfully tonight, we were dismissed an hour early so I arrived home sooner than usual. My husband had to work out of town so the dogs went to daycare all day. Since I get home late on Tuesdays, they stay at Pawtropolis overnight. I will pick them up after school on Wedensday.

I appreciate the "quiet time", but I do miss them when they are away. I called to check on them and the staff said that Fisher jumped the fence to go in his own kennel to nap/rest. It is not unusual for him to jump the walls to join other play groups, but I guess this is the first time he separated himself from everyone for "quiet time".

The next project I plan to start soon is a pair of baby booties for a co-worker. She is having a girl on February 19 so I would like to have them completed before the baby is born. I may have to set down the purse and legwarmer to get that completed first.


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