
Showing posts from January, 2011

Much needed sleep

I went to bed around 8:30pm on Friday night. I could have gone to bed around 7:30, but I made myself stay up a little longer. I showered because that helps me go to doze off quicker, put my earplugs in and dozed off. I woke up at 8:30 on Saturday morning. Joe and I had a lazy morning complete with pancakes, sausage, orange juice, and coffee. Since it was so beautiful outside, I suggested we play disk golf at Sandy Creek Park. We packed a picnic lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a bag of chips, almonds, apples, and Hersey kisses. We took our blanket that we bought at Bed Bath and Beyond for a wedding present. We sat by the lake and were surprised at how few people were enjoying the Vitamin D. We did see a father and daughter fishing and another family at the "beach". We started at Hole 1 for disk golf and suddenly everyone showed up to play. We had a couple in front of us and group of 8 behind us. We played up to Hole 11. I am tiring more quickly as a pregnant woman...

Seven Weeks

Your Baby This week your baby's brain is growing at a mind-boggling 100 cells per minute within a see-through skull. If you could peer inside, you'd see those tiny brain cells growing and growing and growing (about as quickly as you feel like yours are shrinking and shrinking and shrinking with your "pregnancy brain"!). More high points include: Your baby's face is becoming more defined this week. A tiny mouth hole (which will be ready to wail before you know it!), tongue, nostrils and ear indentations are visible. His or her eyes are wide open, but he doesn't have irises (the colored part) yet. Baby's arm buds are growing. At this point they look more like microscopic ping-pong paddles than arms. Baby's leg buds are also forming and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week. The umbilical cord—the connection between your baby and the placenta—is now visible. Your baby is now between 1/3 and 1/4 inch long—about the length of a Tic T...


I'll read a magazine and food will be mentioned. I'll think, that sounds good! Knowing we do not have it in the house, it can be frustrating. Another odd thing is that one day something is delicious and the next day I will turn my nose up at it. The last two nights I have been going to bed with a headache because I have not been eating a big enough dinner. Joe has been working and I will not cook for myself. So this morning, I told him everything I've been wanting- yogurt, fruit juice, strawberries, blueberries, cereal, milk, orange juice- and he went out and bought all of it while I was working. He also made dinner before he went to work so it would be prepared when I got home. He made me chicken, brussel sprouts, and a big bowl of cucumbers and tomatoes in Itailan dressing. The brussel sprouts made me gag and I loved them just a week or two ago! The cucumbers and tomatoes hit the spot! I think I will have something else tonight tonight like cereal or strawberries. Fatig...

Midwife and First Doctor's Visit

We drove to Lavonia at 8:00 for our 9:00am appointment. We filled out paperwork in the waiting room and was called back 30 minutes later. I did a urine test and was told I was pregnant. Joe felt like it was offical hearing it from a clinic. Then we answered questions on our medical history. The midwife, April, came in and introduced herself. She talked with us a long time about waterbirths, the Toccoa hospital, nutrition, medications, and testing. She said she would do a vaginal ultrasound today. She wants me to go to the Toccoa clinic in two weeks for the physical exam, blood work, and another detailed ultrasound with nicer equipment. She said we will be able to see and hear more next time. We really liked how April was very personable and spent a lot of time with us. We felt important and Joe especially liked that. Our next appointment is Monday, February 7 at 1:30pm. Two weeks is going to drag by, I know.  The black dot is the sack and the whitish part is the baby forming....

Whew! Six Weeks...

takes fatigue to another level! I'm more tired for sure and the pain in my breasts is unreal! Now my chest bones are sore too! Joe and I went on a two-mile walk yesterday even though I didn't feel like it, but I know exercise helps with energy. Thankfully, I have not experienced any morning sickness. From what I've read, if you do not have have it around week 6, you won't. I might be in the clear. =) We are going to the gym this afternoon too. Joe has started an exericse plan. He is serious about getting his weight under control and being healthier for him, me and the baby. We are going to watch the Steelers football game at 6:30 and have a pork tenderloin with blueberry sauce and veggies. Our prenatal visit is in the morning at 9:00 in Lavonia, GA. I'm glad I took the whole day off from school. The Bachelor comes on in the evening, which makes Monday extra special. Joe has to work out-of-town tomorrow night after we get home from the appointment.

Dave Barnes

Joe and I bought tickets in November for a Dave Barnes concert at the Melting Point . The concert was post-poned and now it is scheduled for January 29. The Melting Point is a venue for dinner and entertainment. We have never been, but we are excited about experiencing it for the first time. The menu looks a lot like the kinds of foods we like to eat at  Farm 255  and The National .

Date night

Joe had to work in Florida Thursday and Friday. He got back home around 6:30, just in time for date night. I was hungry for Mexican food. Since it was 7 by the time we were out looking for restaurants, everywhere had a 30-minute wait for two people! We are used to going to dinner at 5:00, which is before Friday night crowds. We ended up at the food court in the mall because we wanted to eat soon! After we ate, we were going to go to Target so I could get a belly band, but instead I went to Motherhood Maternity store. They were having a sale (buy 1, get second 50% off). I tried on jeans and pants for work and date nights. I bought two awesome pairs of jeans with the stretchy stomach panel and pair of black stretch pants, kind of like exercise pants. I am going to wear them to work though. I saw a couple of sleeveless dresses I liked and a lot of shirts (tank tops and 3/4 length). I didn't have a need for those right yet, but I am excited to go back. I liked the selection at Motherho...


Joe's bosses recently blessed us in several way. We've had health insurance from my employer. Joe was told last week that his company enrolled in a health debit card plan. We get $200 a month to spend on co-pay fees or medical expenses that my insurance doesn't cover. Get this, whatever isn't used, rolls over! So when we go to the doctor, our pay co-pay is $35, but now we can use the his debit card so we do not pay anything! Also, Joe's boss called today to tell him that they want to buy him an iphone and told him to use the company credit card to purchase it. Since we are Verizon customers (and they will sell the iphone in February), we are both going to buy one then. I have a free upgrade since my contract is up. Also, Verizon customers can buy online 2/3/11 before anyone else can. He also wants to give us a home security system. They also bought him a AAA membership because of all the traveling he does and his vehicle breaks down from time to time....

Consultation and First Prenatal Visit

Monday morning at 9:00am is our first appointment in Lavonia, GA. It will take about 55 minutes to arrive at the Wellness Center. I have an appointment with a midwife, April. I am excited and nervous about the first appointment. Once I have the appointment, I will feel like I can tell everyone else. It kills me having to keep such exciting news to myself. Of course, the hardest part is having exciting news and not being able to share it with all my friends and family on facebook. I have a feeling after my first appointment, I am going to cave in and use facebook after 24 days of separation. Still no morning sickness! My stomach probably shouldn't be growing, but it is! I will be going to bed early tonight for sure! Rebekah

Not Too Impressed

Joe and I went to our service intro appointment at the hospital. I was really hoping the midwifery services would be different from a hospital, but it really wasn't. Bad news: No birthing tubs either! We asked a few questions and let the midwife tell us everything she thought we needed to know. She gave us her card if we thought of any other questions. She did tell us of a hospital in Toccoa that does water births. Sure enough, when I got home I researched "water births Toccoa" and found a Women's Wellness Center with midwives that does water births at the hospital. Joe went to college in Toccoa for a year and we spent our early dating in those parts. I like that it is a small town. I called them today asked a few questions about insurance, water births, and appointments. The receptionist was very friendly. Joe and I talked at dinner about Toccoa being 1 hour away, but I really feel good about this place. I am going to call back tomorrow and see if we can get in as s...

Nineth Day Off

I'm off again today because of the MLK Holiday. I woke up around 8:30am when my husband was leaving for work. I only had one sleeve left on my sweater so I finished that first thing. Maybe I will wear it to work tomorrow! Started a baby sweater with some hand spun yarn I purchased at a craft fair from a local artist. It is a yellowish color and thick and thin in spots. The sweater is for a newborn. I have one sleeve done already. I can't believe it is so small! Baby Bolero pattern from One Skein by Leigh Radford So I hear that dreams during pregnancy are common. Dreaming for me is a regular occurrence, pregnant or not. In my pregnancy journal, there is a spot to record dreams each week. I've almost filled up the 5th week spot already. So far I've lied to my boss, told a clerk trying to help me find maternity clothes that I weigh 102lbs., was 1-hour late for a half-marathon that I was racing, and put together a "pink" baby album. Joe and I are going to to...

Chinese zodiac- Goat (1979)

Occupying the 8th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Goat (or Sheep) symbolizes such character traits as creativity, intelligence, dependability, and calmness. Comfortable being alone to ponder the workings of their inner minds, Goats enjoy being part of a group, but prefer the sidelines rather than the center. Their nurturing personality makes Goats excellent care-givers. They’re quite and reserved because they spend much time absorbed in their thoughts. Home and alone is where Goats feel most comfortable. There they can express themselves artistically, whether it’s by painting, cooking or participating in whatever artistic endeavors they enjoy. Goats prefer the couch because there they can relax and explore their minds. They don’t need elaborate furnishings; only items reflecting their desire for art. Stable with feet firmly planted in the ground, Earth Goats are conservative, independent and practical, but not very confident in themselves. Most important in life is the family a...

Burritos and Brussel Sprouts

Thursday night, Joe planned on us having burritos for dinner so I started browning the meat before he got home so that it would be ready for him to make burritos. I dug through the produce drawer looking for vegetables. I know we do not usually eat a vegetable with our burritos, but I knew I needed some for the baby. I saw green beans, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. We have only eaten brussel sprouts one other time since we have been married, make that once in my life. They sounded good to me so I washed them, cut the thick core part off, laid them in a pan, sprinkled them with olive oil and salt and broiled them on 500 degrees. I heard them popping in the oven so I took them out and shook the pan so the balls would rotate. I put them back in a little longer until they started burning on the outside (not on purpose). Joe came in the kitchen and was curious what I had in the oven. I said,  "I made some brussel sprouts." He said, "With burritos?" As we were sitting do...

My Pregnancy Journal

Thursday I bought a journal at Borders. It is titled The What to Expect Pregnancy Journal & Organizer . When I got it home I started filling it out. Only I messed up the weeks and dates and ruined it. Joe said I could get another one. While we were at Barnes & Noble last night, I found another one that I liked called Great Expectations Pregnancy Journal & Planner . It cost a couple dollars more and I liked it better. Plus, I can use parts from the old one and still have one for journaling. What I like most about the new one is that it starts with Week 4, which is when you find out your pregnant. Why would a journal start with Week 1 when you are menstruating and you are 4 weeks away from knowing if you are pregnant. If someone started filling in a pregnancy journal at Week 1, I would be concerned. So when I bought my first journal, I had to back track to Week 1-3 and write as much as I could remember. The new one starts at Week 4 so I feel like I do not have a...


Teachers reported to school today at 10:00, no students. I left a 2:45 because I wanted to go to the gym today. I keep reading that I need to exercise while pregnant and we have a gym membership, so why not use it? I used the elliptical for 30 minutes. I'm supposed to keep my heart rate under 140, which is difficult when I am used to going as fast as I can when training for something. Anyways, it felt rejuvenating to exercise. With the snow and icy roads all week it was hard to walk the neighborhood. We tried a couple of times, but it was dangerous and we tired so quickly with the snow being so deep. I hope I make time each day or several times a week to be active. At least I'm not sitting on my butt at work so that will help with fitness too. I have a little bit of "cabin fever" from being indoors most of the week. I did escape to Borders yesterday and I am excited to have date night tonight. We will eat somewhere and go shopping. I want to go to B & N, Targe...

Virgo-September 22

I am a Virgo. I was born on the cusp. That means that I was born on the last day before it switches over to a new sign. I do not follow horoscopes or anything, but I do believe my personality profile is accurate. I told Joe, "Our baby will be a Virgo too, like me." He said, "Lord, help us." On the evening news last night, I heard that there has been a shift in the solar system, therefore, the astrological signs have changed and a new one was added. I'm still a Virgo though. Whew! So it is big news for those that follow astrology. Then I saw this article and video.

4 Weeks 6 Days

Calculating Your Due Date: Figuring out your estimated due date is simple. Add 7 days to the first day of your last normal menstrual period. Then count backwards 3 months. If that is the case, my estimated due date is September 17. I guess we will know for sure after I go to the doctor. It is fun trying to figure it out though. Last night, Clarke County School District stated that teachers needed to report at 11:00. I left the house at 10:20 (even though it only takes me 20 minutes to get to school) incase the roads were still covered with ice. I drove into the parking lot (15 minutes early) to only see the custodian's vehicle there. Thought that was a little peculiar. My classroom is a trailer "cottage" outside. Snow and ice were in front of my door so I kicked that out of the way so I could get my door open. I hooked up my laptop and checked my email. An email stated that teachers are to work from home today! Wish I would have checked that before I left! Since ...

My sweater-Top Down Ragland Cardigan

I started a sweater for myself on the 8th. I am using the same pattern that I used for my mom's. I'm knitting with size 7 circular needles and using Noro Furisode #4. I had 3 hanks that I purchased for $50. Making hand-made isn't necessarily cheaper. The sweater is knitted in one-piece from top down. It is a cardigan. I'm making it cap sleeves so I can wear a long-sleeve shirt under it and I am cropping the waist. I will finish it by the 17th! Since I have been snowed in, I've had a lot of time to work on it! =) The sweater I am knitting for myself

First Appointment

is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26 at 8:00am . They said they do not see anyone before 6 weeks anyways. During the first appt. there will be blood work, a physical exam, medical history, Q & A, etc. I must say I am a little anxious to get to my first appointment. The waiting is going to be tough! We are currently pursuing the Midwifery Services at Athens Regional. We didn't want to go the traditional labor and delivery route because of the increased number of C-sections and inducing medications. As far as I can tell, homebirths are not permitted here. That was my first option. Then I checked into birthing centers and the nearest one is in Greenville, SC. Luckily, there is a facilty behind the hospital that uses midwives. We have a service intro appt. on Tuesday to look around and ask questions. I'm pretty sure that is the route we are going to choose even before we visit. I'm interested in a water birth or squatting. We watched the documentry, The Business of Bein...

Choosing Prenatal Care

We have a service intro appointment at 3:00pm on Tuesday (1/18/11) at the Midwifery Services at Athens Regional Medical Center. Well, I am supposed to research options as far as practioners, but there aren't many options in Athens! As far as I can tell, homebirths are not permitted in Athens and the closest birthing center is in Greenville, SC (1 hour 45 min. away). Luckily, there is a midwifery services at the hospital, which Joe likes the fact that doctors are available if they are needed, but otherwise, we will work with a midwife. We have 30-minutes to ask questions and tour the facility at no charge. I'm hoping we like the place so we can get started with the blood work and exams. This is where we begin A flower I knitted last night from a pattern. The yarn I used was too bulky. I think I am going to try another weight. An elastic band is attached to the back. 

And there is a reason why I am not quite myself...

I'm pregnant! The last few days, I have been experiencing pregnancy symptoms- frequent urination, headaches, moodiness, cramping, sensitive breasts, and fatigue. I've had my period since I was 11 so I know what PMS feels like. This was different. When Joe was at the grocery store yesterday, I asked him to pick up a home pregnancy test so we could confirm. We decided I would take it in the morning since first urine is the best. Well, I woke up at 4:00am and couldn't get back to sleep. I laid in bed knowing I had to be pregnant or I wouldn't know how else to explain what I was feeling. At 5:00ish I woke Joe up and told him I couldn't sleep anymore. He allowed me (smile) to go take it. I took the stopwatch and he waited in bed for me to return with the news. When I crawled back in bed, I said, "I see a positive sign." He jerked his head up quickly and said, Well, that will wake you up!" We talked about names, which we have been making a list for a while ...

Not Quite Myself

I haven't been quite myself the last few days. I'm pretty sure it is hormonal. I've preferred being alone doing quiet things, like reading a novel, reading blogs, writing letters, sleeping, watching T.V. alone, and taking lavender baths. I was snapping at my husband so I told him not to talk to me. I've been short-tempered with the dogs too. Ironically, the students didn't get the best of me this week. It has been a long time since I have felt moody like this. The fact that I am PMSing at all is a good thing because I do not think I had been ovulating the last few months. I haven't had the symptoms associated with it anyways. I know I did in December because I have all the symptoms in the book! I guess that is good for a couple trying to conceive. We will know in a few days if we were successful this month. I went to bed at 8:30 on Friday night after reading for 2 hours in bed. I also took a lavender bath so I drifted off within a minute. I slept for 11 hours ...

Photos of Passion

The yarn I purchased from Main Street Yarns on my last day of winter vacation. Two Ella Rae's for felting and Malabrigo in Azul. The blue is so vibrant, I just bought it because it was so beautiful. My yarn swift set-up on my knitting table. Thick and thin yarn I ordered from springtree road to make Beautiful Dawn  by jaykayknits. The Noro rug Joe and I are making with a loom.

January 2

When I was home for Christmas, my great aunt brought my great grandmother's craft book down from North Carolina to look through. My great grandmother died from a heart attack when I was 15 years old. I found her on the kitchen floor dead while she was visiting us in SC. My great grandmother was a crocheter and knitter. She often made Christmas ornaments, which hung on our family tree. My great aunt asked if I was interested in her books since I am the only one in the family that inherited the hobby. The three books I chose are dated, but I love that they are family heirlooms and I was offered privately and specifically to make a selection. I plan to use a few stitches from her book on an afghan I plan to make this year.   My husband stuffed my stocking with a couple of knitting magazines, which I absolutely love! During my spare time I browsed them as often as I could. I haven't had a chance to mark pages or share interesting finds. My dog, Fisher, will be 3 ye...

Anne of Green Gables

I received the 5-disk Anne of Green Gables set for Christmas. I had been wanting to watch it and Joe hadn't seen it yet so I wanted to share it with him. After our New Year's dinner last night, we popped Disc 1 in the DVD player. We watched about 4 hours of the 7-hour series by midnight. Joe didn't want to stop watching and I raved about how appropriate it is to watch it non-stop! We tired so as soon as we got home from church and ate lunch, we watched the last 3 hours! He stood and applauded when it was over because he was happy that Gilbert and Anne finally ended up together. The following scenes have been known to make me tear up or sobb: Matthew buys Anne a dress with puffed sleeves and she thanks him in the barn. Matthew dies. Gilbert confronts Anne in the barn after Diana's wedding. Anne says good-bye to Marilla at the train station. Anne running into Gilbert while he is in medical school. Anne and Marilla running down the lane toward each other after her y...

Spring Triathlon?

My best friend from Columbia visited my husband and myself in December. We did our first triathlon together in 2007 in St. Petersburg, FL. I've done another one since, but she hasn't and wants to train for another one. Her life is pretty full in opinion with 4 children and separated from her husband at the moment. When she said we should do the Parris Island triathlon in March, I didn't take her seriously. I thought she'd forget. Well, she called yesterday to tell me she has a treadmill and stationary bike set-up in her bedroom and she has a training schedule. I guess she is serious! We currently have a monthly membership to the YMCA that has a pool with lanes so I have everything I need. Now I have to decide if I want to do it. Joe and I are trying to conceive, whereas I know I can be active during the process. The worst that could happen would be getting fit in the midst of the training and then not be able to participate in the triathlon because I am pregnant. My h...

To a Year of Discipline, Creative Thinking, and a Passionate Fire

For New Years Eve, Joe and I had dinner reservations at Farm 255 for 5:45. They were serving a 4 course meal for $40 a person (they added dessert to the bottom of the menu and charged $8 more). By the time we arrived, there were only a couple dinner parties there. One of my favorite parts about eating there is the pitcher of water that they place on your table so you can serve yourself. I also feel adventurous eating foods from a menu that I cannot even pronounce. The room had deem lighting and tea lights on each table. We each made a toast at the beginning of the meal. Joe said each dish was better and better than the one before and he was ranting and raving about the first one (a salad). It took us about 1.5 hours to eat all of our portions. After dinner, Joe had to purchase a ham for our New Year's dinner.We tried playing a game we received for Christmas called In a Pickle, but it didn't go well. Joe was tired and the game causes you to debate, which with two p...