
Joe's bosses recently blessed us in several way. We've had health insurance from my employer. Joe was told last week that his company enrolled in a health debit card plan. We get $200 a month to spend on co-pay fees or medical expenses that my insurance doesn't cover. Get this, whatever isn't used, rolls over! So when we go to the doctor, our pay co-pay is $35, but now we can use the his debit card so we do not pay anything!

Also, Joe's boss called today to tell him that they want to buy him an iphone and told him to use the company credit card to purchase it. Since we are Verizon customers (and they will sell the iphone in February), we are both going to buy one then. I have a free upgrade since my contract is up. Also, Verizon customers can buy online 2/3/11 before anyone else can.

He also wants to give us a home security system.

They also bought him a AAA membership because of all the traveling he does and his vehicle breaks down from time to time.

Lastly, Joe was told today that a lot of work is coming so be prepared for overtime. We are thankful for his steady employment and compassionate employers.


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