StReP ThRoAt!
I had a stressful day at school on Thursday because I sent 4 kids to the Opportunity Room (in-school suspension) and I taught my club until 5:00. Thursday night after dinner, my throat started getting sore and I vomitted. I thought it was pregnancy-related. I was immediately cold and shivering and had a pounding headache. I took Tylenol and went to sleep. I woke up again and took more more Tylenol for a headache in the middle of the night. I was feeling awful so I emailed the principal and requested a substitute. I thought I had the flu. I did go to school early to prepare sub plans and came back home. I slept from 8:00-12:30. I called the nurse to ask what I should take. They said I had to get a swab done and test positive for flu before they could tell me what to take. Joe got home from work at 1:00pm so he took me to the READDY clinic that we have gone to before. My temperature was 99.9. They did a flu and strep swab and it was positive for strep. So I am on antiboitics and feeling better already.