
We slept in later than we were planning, but still made it to church at 10:00am. We went to Church of the Nations today. The sermon was about the Holy Spirit, which is funny because the church we were attending was also doing a series on the Holy Spirit as well. One church was Southern Baptist and the other was Assemblies of God. Needless to say, the interpretation was different...I grew up A/G and attended an A/G Bible college in Florida. Joe and I attended an A/G church here in Athens for over a year and a half. It's in my blood and it is where I feel comfortable. The congregation and music was lively. I'm used to an altar call (a call to action) at the end of the message. Our pastors used to say, "If you can't stand up in here, what makes you think you are going to be able to stand up in the world?" The congregation was multi-cultural (Hispanic, Asian, mixed families, Caucasian, African-American). The service ended about noon, which included communion and praye...