May 25

Joe woke up at 7 something so I got up too. He overslept from working so long and late yesterday. I didn't make his lunch because I was still groggy myself. While he was waiting for his co-worker to arrive at the house, we talked about our dentist appts. since we didn't get to talk much yesterday. I ate a bowl of cereal and walked around the neighborhood for 30-minutes. The dogs were barking like crazy and stressing me out so I brought them in the house and made them lay in the hallway.

I decided to escape to our office for some peace and quiet and drink my water. I'm trying to decide what else to do today. I'm going to make a sandwich soon because it is already 11:36. I need to get the oil changed in our vehicle and buy fuel injector cleaner for the gas tank. That is my job. I need to print some photographs for the Young Yarners. I'd like to fold the basket of clothes that are clean and put the clean dishes away in the dish washer and load the dirty ones. I need to knit my baby boy something. I'd like to knit him a baby blanket, a pair of booties, and a sweater (size 3-6 months). I would also like to dye some onsies with tea and/or coffee. Maybe tie dye them or just a solid soak. I have Rit dye, but I want to try my hand at natural dyes too.

We are expecting a DVD from Netflix in the mail called Frontier House. It was a reality series on PBS in 2002. We watched the first disk already and now we are anticipating finishing up the series. It arrives today!

Our 2nd wedding anniversary is coming up. We will be celebrating in Greenville, SC for one night. We found an awesome deal on Hot Wire for a 4-star hotel downtown Greenville for a little over $100. We are dropping the dogs off at daycare Saturday (June 4) 9:00am and heading to Greenville for a whole day of sight-seeing. We do not have to get the dogs until Sunday by 7:00pm so we practically have all day Sunday too. We are excited for a chance to get away.

My parents are going to Bryson City, NC June 23-26 for their yearly camping and tubing trip. Joe and I have also gone the last two years too. The only way I would go this year is if we could rent a cabin. Camping during the summer pregnant is not an option. I was pretty miserable last summer and I wasn't even pregnant. It was muggy in the tent and my husband snored and kept waking me up. At home, he has a breathing machine. Cabins have electricity. I have tried calling cabins and they are all booked that weekend. There are some Monday-Wednesdays that are available, but not the time my parents are going...I could tube most of the river. I would just have to put my tube in after the "drops" or just tie up and soak while they tube. There is a long hike carrying your tube, which I probably wouldn't be able to do 6- months pregnant either. It might be too strenuous for me. My husband and I need to talk about it because I would like to go before the baby is born.

Well, I'm going to make that sandwich. =)


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