31 years old and 31 weeks pregnant

I am in Beaufort staying with my family for a couple weeks before I have to return to school. This will also be my last visit before Lincoln's arrival. Teachers return to school for preplanning August 1-5 and the first day of school is August 8. I plan to leave Beaufort on Sunday and then I will have one last week in Athens for summer vacation. I'm excited about starting the school year because it keeps me busy, but also I know that Lincoln will arrive in September and entering August is one step closer.

I had three nights of insufficient sleep. One night there was a thunderstorm and I couldn't get back to sleep. The other two nights my mind was racing about the baby shower and things that were bothering me. Finally, on Sunday night/Monday morning, I slept until 9:50am, which was needed.

I miss my husband, Joseph. He is an awesome husband! He almost always puts me first and he loves me so much. He not only tells me, but I know by his actions and his interest in being a better person and making me happy. I can learn so much from him and his sacrificial love. He is going to be a great role model for Lincoln!

My stomach feels stretched this week so Lincoln is gaining weight. I think he is up to 3.5-4lbs and 17 inches long. I feel like I am gaining weight too. Mom and I for on 30 minute walks after dinner when I am home. It is good for our bodies and for our souls. We can talk about our days or things on our minds. I look forward to it every night. We missed a few nights last week while we were preparing for the baby shower.

I went to the pool with my sister-in-law, Kelly, and my niece, Macy on Monday afternoon. It was relaxing and just an overall great day for the pool. We had lunch delivered from the Country Club and sat with Macy in 1.5 feet of water. She wasn't too fussy so we were able to stay for a while before her afternoon nap. It was nice getting out of the house because sometimes the day passes by very slowly waiting for my parents to get home. I do not have friends in Beaufort that I hang out with so the company of family is appreciated.


Sarah Hogan said…
What are your plans for Lincoln for the school year?
Rebekah said…
He's going to daycare after my maternity leave.

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