My appointment in Toccoa went really well! I drove myself to the appt. since it was a routine and Joe had to work. The drive was peaceful as I drove in silence without the radio on. I felt calm so I had a feeling my blood pressure would be good. I arrived 10 minutes early. I'm always weighed first and i was shocked that I had lost weight in two weeks. I have been trying to stay active so I'm glad that my weight isn't still going up. I've gained 16 pounds already which is really close to my limit (15-20). Lincoln still has to triple his weight before September. Next, I had to give my urine specimen. No blood in my urine. Blood pressure check was normal. My appointment was with our midwife, April. We haven't met with her since our first appt./consultation at 6 weeks. I asked her some questions that I jotted down:
Q: Where do I go when we check into the hospital?
A: During hours, the out patient desk. After hours, the emergency room.
Q:How long is Lincoln right now?
A: about 16 inches
Q: How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
A: 24-48 hours. 48 hours if I am positive for Strep B so they can observe Lincoln. I may want to stay to make sure breastfeeding is established or just take a nice nap before heading home.
Q: When do I start coming weekly?
A: After the 35-36 week appt.
Q: What do the rest of my appt. look like?
A: 32 weeks- routine (July 25)
34 weeks- routine (August 8)
36 weeks- Strep B test and STD test (because of water birth) (August 22)
37-40 weeks- routine
41 weeks- stress test and US, check for opening and thinning, if desired, talk about natural induction
After my questions, I laid on the table for the fetal heart monitor. Lincoln's heart rate was good. April poked around to tell me his position. He was head down, back and shoulder on the left, bottom up, and feet and arms could be anywhere. She said my skin looked good and moisturized (cocoa butter) and that my stretch marks down the center of my stomach would be easily hidden. I walked out feeling very confident and proud of my progress.
Q: Where do I go when we check into the hospital?
A: During hours, the out patient desk. After hours, the emergency room.
Q:How long is Lincoln right now?
A: about 16 inches
Q: How long do I have to stay in the hospital?
A: 24-48 hours. 48 hours if I am positive for Strep B so they can observe Lincoln. I may want to stay to make sure breastfeeding is established or just take a nice nap before heading home.
Q: When do I start coming weekly?
A: After the 35-36 week appt.
Q: What do the rest of my appt. look like?
A: 32 weeks- routine (July 25)
34 weeks- routine (August 8)
36 weeks- Strep B test and STD test (because of water birth) (August 22)
37-40 weeks- routine
41 weeks- stress test and US, check for opening and thinning, if desired, talk about natural induction
After my questions, I laid on the table for the fetal heart monitor. Lincoln's heart rate was good. April poked around to tell me his position. He was head down, back and shoulder on the left, bottom up, and feet and arms could be anywhere. She said my skin looked good and moisturized (cocoa butter) and that my stretch marks down the center of my stomach would be easily hidden. I walked out feeling very confident and proud of my progress.