Week 36...tomorrow
I haven't blogged in a while. I finished up my summer and went back to work on August 1. I just completed my second complete week of teaching the students. I'm teaching Kindergarten, 1st, and 4th this year. I like my schedule so far, but it is extremely busy with 7 segments this year. I've never taught 1st graders before and I teach 4 periods of 1st grade, but I like the teachers I work with and I like teaching curriculum I have never taught before.
My co-workers ask me daily how I am feeling, how much longer do I have, am I ready, etc. The students ask me if I know what I am having. I will say the walking around the school is good for me, but I do tire. My back and bladder give me the most discomfort. By the time I get home, I am ready to shower, put my pajamas on, and relax on the couch for the rest of the evening. My hips, back, bladder, and muscles are sore while I sleep. I make over 5 trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I'm still sleeping throughout the night for which I am thankful. I have not had sleepless nights with a busy mind. I make sure I shower because that helps me get drowsy. Sometimes I listen to a relaxation exercise on my mp3 player. Joe and I read our couple's devotional and go to sleep. Some nights I wear ear plugs for complete silence and some nights I don't.
My appointments with the midwives have been going well. My weight and blood pressure have been good. My urine samples have improved. I had one with a lot of sugar so I started following a diabetic meal plan by eating 6 times a day and eating mostly wheat, protein, vegetables, and whole fruit. It has paid off. Of course, going back to work keeps me more active. Lincoln is in a perfect birthing position-head down. He is normal size and growing. I had my Group B swab and an STD test at my last appointment. I will get the results at the August 22 appt. (Monday) I haven't started opening and thinning yet when the midwife looked, not touched. I can start taking primrose oil, which is an herbal capsule to help with thinning the cervix.
We hired a doula named Rebecca Quintana. We interviewed two and just felt like her personality meshed better with ours. We have our second prenatal appointment with her on Tuesday to run over some last details. At week 38 she will be on 24-hour on call for us until week 42. I feel comfortable with our decision to hire her. Doulas can range in price depending on their services and experience. Rebecca's fees were $550.
I volunteered to be in a maternity fashion show on September 3rd at Full Bloom. The consignment shop above Full Bloom, reBlossom, advertised needing models for their Labor Day Weekend fashion show. Joe and I shop there for me and Lincoln so I signed up. There will be more wobbling down the runway than sashaying. I tried on a dress and a casual outfit. I liked both and I may get to wear both in the show depending on how many models they end up having. I kind of wish I could buy the outfits after the show, but I won't need them! I will miss being pregnant.
I can't believe I will be 36-weeks tomorrow! The weeks have always flown by, but even more so now that the appointments are weekly and I am working again. We are getting excited because we are getting closer and closer and I know the anticipation will only rise. Lincoln stretches and squirms around still even though space is limited. His body is harder (or my stomach is tighter) and you can feel/see his body parts bulge out every now and then. I'll push on his feet and he'll push or kick back. We have the nursery ready and our bags packed. I have two days worth of emergency sub plans ready at school and we have boarding arrangements for the dogs in place. We have numbers stored in the phones. We need to detail the car and install the car seat. We are in the process of buying another (bigger) vehicle from my brother and waiting for Lincoln's diaper bag to arrive in the mail. I try to take prenatal yoga as often as I can and practice my breathing and listen to my relaxation exercises. I've had doubt slip in once, but Joe reminded me of my affirmations and that my body was created to birth a baby.
Well, it's past 10:00pm and that means it is time to shower, read our devotion, and go to sleep. =)
My co-workers ask me daily how I am feeling, how much longer do I have, am I ready, etc. The students ask me if I know what I am having. I will say the walking around the school is good for me, but I do tire. My back and bladder give me the most discomfort. By the time I get home, I am ready to shower, put my pajamas on, and relax on the couch for the rest of the evening. My hips, back, bladder, and muscles are sore while I sleep. I make over 5 trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I'm still sleeping throughout the night for which I am thankful. I have not had sleepless nights with a busy mind. I make sure I shower because that helps me get drowsy. Sometimes I listen to a relaxation exercise on my mp3 player. Joe and I read our couple's devotional and go to sleep. Some nights I wear ear plugs for complete silence and some nights I don't.
My appointments with the midwives have been going well. My weight and blood pressure have been good. My urine samples have improved. I had one with a lot of sugar so I started following a diabetic meal plan by eating 6 times a day and eating mostly wheat, protein, vegetables, and whole fruit. It has paid off. Of course, going back to work keeps me more active. Lincoln is in a perfect birthing position-head down. He is normal size and growing. I had my Group B swab and an STD test at my last appointment. I will get the results at the August 22 appt. (Monday) I haven't started opening and thinning yet when the midwife looked, not touched. I can start taking primrose oil, which is an herbal capsule to help with thinning the cervix.
We hired a doula named Rebecca Quintana. We interviewed two and just felt like her personality meshed better with ours. We have our second prenatal appointment with her on Tuesday to run over some last details. At week 38 she will be on 24-hour on call for us until week 42. I feel comfortable with our decision to hire her. Doulas can range in price depending on their services and experience. Rebecca's fees were $550.
I volunteered to be in a maternity fashion show on September 3rd at Full Bloom. The consignment shop above Full Bloom, reBlossom, advertised needing models for their Labor Day Weekend fashion show. Joe and I shop there for me and Lincoln so I signed up. There will be more wobbling down the runway than sashaying. I tried on a dress and a casual outfit. I liked both and I may get to wear both in the show depending on how many models they end up having. I kind of wish I could buy the outfits after the show, but I won't need them! I will miss being pregnant.
I can't believe I will be 36-weeks tomorrow! The weeks have always flown by, but even more so now that the appointments are weekly and I am working again. We are getting excited because we are getting closer and closer and I know the anticipation will only rise. Lincoln stretches and squirms around still even though space is limited. His body is harder (or my stomach is tighter) and you can feel/see his body parts bulge out every now and then. I'll push on his feet and he'll push or kick back. We have the nursery ready and our bags packed. I have two days worth of emergency sub plans ready at school and we have boarding arrangements for the dogs in place. We have numbers stored in the phones. We need to detail the car and install the car seat. We are in the process of buying another (bigger) vehicle from my brother and waiting for Lincoln's diaper bag to arrive in the mail. I try to take prenatal yoga as often as I can and practice my breathing and listen to my relaxation exercises. I've had doubt slip in once, but Joe reminded me of my affirmations and that my body was created to birth a baby.
Well, it's past 10:00pm and that means it is time to shower, read our devotion, and go to sleep. =)