"Santa Claus, that jolly, rotund bringer of presents, is a controversial Christmas tradition for mothers and fathers. Though he is clearly a character from folklore, many parents go through great lengths to keep alive their child’s belief in Santa Claus. Instead of taking credit for the expense and effort of producing gifts for their children, parents lead children to believe that their toys are a result of a Christmas Eve visit from Santa. The character of Santa Claus, as he is depicted today, is derived from two very old legends: Saint Nicholas, a bishop who gave generous gifts to the poor and was considered to be the patron saint of sailors and children and Father Christmas, who was considered to be the spirit of good cheer."
Joe and I decided that we are not going to tell Lincoln that there is a Santa Claus. He will be one of those kids in his class that is knows a secret that nobody else knows. Joe and I were both told that there is a Santa Claus growing up. My parents broke the news to us one evening and then told the story of Saint Nicholas. I remember being bummed. As a parent now, I don't like the lie "that someone is watching you" or the bribe for good behavior. We will recognize that Santa Claus is worldly symbol of Christmas and a holiday tradition, but we will not tell him that his presents come from him or that he has to be good in order to receive gifts. When he asks about him, we will honestly tell him what parents tell their children about him, but we want him to know the truth.
We took Lincoln to a fundraiser event at Full Bloom for a photograph with a Santa, but next year when he is scared of the man dressed in a costume, I don't see myself forcing him to get a photograph. I saw some children screaming as if they were getting vaccinated when they were placed in his lap yesterday. If we did photos every year, I would feel like a contradiction. "We don't want you to believe in Santa, but take your picture with him." It being Lincoln's first Christmas and supporting a business that we love was my only reason we partook in the holiday folktale.
Joe and I decided that we are not going to tell Lincoln that there is a Santa Claus. He will be one of those kids in his class that is knows a secret that nobody else knows. Joe and I were both told that there is a Santa Claus growing up. My parents broke the news to us one evening and then told the story of Saint Nicholas. I remember being bummed. As a parent now, I don't like the lie "that someone is watching you" or the bribe for good behavior. We will recognize that Santa Claus is worldly symbol of Christmas and a holiday tradition, but we will not tell him that his presents come from him or that he has to be good in order to receive gifts. When he asks about him, we will honestly tell him what parents tell their children about him, but we want him to know the truth.
We took Lincoln to a fundraiser event at Full Bloom for a photograph with a Santa, but next year when he is scared of the man dressed in a costume, I don't see myself forcing him to get a photograph. I saw some children screaming as if they were getting vaccinated when they were placed in his lap yesterday. If we did photos every year, I would feel like a contradiction. "We don't want you to believe in Santa, but take your picture with him." It being Lincoln's first Christmas and supporting a business that we love was my only reason we partook in the holiday folktale.