Teething @ 2.5 months
When we were home for Thanksgiving, Lincoln had a fussy spell before bedtime. Joe, Mom, and I tried to console him. Nobody was successful. My mom noticed he was rubbing his lower gums with his tongue. I felt them and they were bumpy. I rubbed a little Orajel on them that my mom had for Macy. He fell asleep and I started thinking about how grown up he is. I felt like we were experiencing one of those "milestones" as parents and it was our job to keep him safe and comfortable.
The next day I did a search for natural ways of managing this teething thing. I found several articles with natural remedies.
1) Your finger
2) A wooden teether (which I had already purchased)
3) A celery stalk
4) Frozen washcloth (freeze a corner in water or chamomile tea)
5) Hyland's Teething Tablets (homeopathic medicine)
6) Clove oil mixed with olive oil
7) Amber Teething Necklaces
Since the first crying spell in the evening before bedtime, it has started happening more regularly now. We have tried the Hyland's Teething Tablets once. It is hard to say if they worked. He did fall right asleep afterwards. I knitted him a wool teether and we keep it in the refrigerator. He does gnaw on it. I peeked in his mouth today and saw two, white, raised buds on the back side of his gums! So we went to our Earthfare for clove oil and made a concoction. We rubbed it on his gums and he seemed to like it. I think we are all going to survive this teething thing!
*Disclaimer: we found out he wasn't teething afterall...
The next day I did a search for natural ways of managing this teething thing. I found several articles with natural remedies.
1) Your finger
2) A wooden teether (which I had already purchased)
3) A celery stalk
4) Frozen washcloth (freeze a corner in water or chamomile tea)
5) Hyland's Teething Tablets (homeopathic medicine)
6) Clove oil mixed with olive oil
7) Amber Teething Necklaces
Since the first crying spell in the evening before bedtime, it has started happening more regularly now. We have tried the Hyland's Teething Tablets once. It is hard to say if they worked. He did fall right asleep afterwards. I knitted him a wool teether and we keep it in the refrigerator. He does gnaw on it. I peeked in his mouth today and saw two, white, raised buds on the back side of his gums! So we went to our Earthfare for clove oil and made a concoction. We rubbed it on his gums and he seemed to like it. I think we are all going to survive this teething thing!
*Disclaimer: we found out he wasn't teething afterall...