Milk Storage

Joe and I went on an anniversary trip to The Dillard House this past weekend. We knew we were going somewhere overnight for our 3rd anniversary. It depended on how much milk I was able to store up that would decide if we stayed away one or two nights. I figured I needed enough milk for 6 bottles for one night, which equals 36-42 ounces. My goal was to pump enough for two nights, which would total 12 bottles at 72-84 ounces. We decided to go on a trip the weekend before our anniversary rather than the weekend after which gave me less time to complete this task. With a couple days before the trip I pumped the last of the milk that I would be able to store. I ended up with 11.5 bags of frozen milk so we were able to go away for two nights. We were only going to be 1.5 hours away so if I needed to deliver more milk I could.

Of course, in my absence from my baby, I had to pump while we were separated. I was used to pumping three times during the weekdays while I worked, but I have never had to exclusively pump before. I was concerned that my supply would decrease since the pump wouldn't stimulate my nipples quite like my baby does. I brought my Medela pump bag with me while we were out sight-seeing. In transition to places, I would pump in route to the next destination. I tried to pump every 3-4 hours, longer during the night, but I did get up in the early morning to pump just as I would for feeding my baby boy. I was surprised at the volume I was able to express. I came back home with 43 ounces to replace the supply I used. I hardly use stored milk now, but it is always nice to have it on hand.

I will say that I felt some pressure trying to get enough milk so my husband and I could take a trip alone. (It was my first night away in 9 months.)  I had some cynics, "Just supplement with formula for a couple days." It was rewarding; however, to know that it could be done. Upon my return yesterday, there were even two bags to spare!


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