
I know it has been a long time since I have written a post. I have several drafts on my dashboard (blogger term), but they are deep topics, like attachment parenting and homeschooling and pornography for women. These kind of posts require inspiration, time, research, and much thought, rather than just rambling about my day or current life situation. Rambling is much easier to do than blogging about topics I am passionate about or trying to inform my readers.

I started back to school on August 1 as an elementary homeroom teacher. I knew transfering to a homeroom position, that I was going to be required to do more than my role as an EIP teacher. That's why so many teachers want to be EIP teachers. You get paid the same amount of money, but the work load is lighter. When I requested to return to 4th grade homeroom, I was looking for a change, trying to escape a colleague, and in all honesty, I was hoping our house would sell and we wouldn't even be in Athens anymore.

I felt pretty confident that I could handle 26-30 kids myself, but I was nervous and stressed at the demands even before pre-planning. My team works well together and they are hard workers. I was ready for the first day of school, but it was like a culture shock the first three days. I had to be tough from the first day and normally the students are still tired from staying up late all summer and quiet because don't know what to think of you yet. After the first three days, I was already questioning how I could resign and stay home and not work at all. The meetings during my only break and eating lunch with your class felt like it never ended. One day I didn't go to the bathroom until the students were on the bus to go home! I was on-the-go all day and I knew it was going to be a  l o n g  year.

The first full week of school started on August 13 and preparing to teach all the subjects with no prep time was stressful too. I needed to make copies, but I had a meeting during my only break. I even arrived to school 15 minutes early and it still wasn't enough time. I'm glad that I decided to decrease my milk suppy over the summer because there is no way I would have been able to pump at school too!

By the end of the week, I started teaching whole lessons and behaviors were easily managed so I could teach. Surprisingly, I only have 19 students and no severe anger or behavior problems! The Lord has blessed me! Hope has returned. The work load is still overwhelming and I have been battling with balance of work, family, and myself. I'm still trying to figure that out. With time I think it will get easier.

Our boy is turning 1 in less than a month. We are making arrangements for his party in SC. Hopefully we will send out invitations tomorrow! We have a crayon-themed party planned. We said that we wouldn't go overboard for our son's birthday like most parents of 1-year-olds. I hope we are able to still do that.


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