Joe and I decided a long time ago that when Lincoln was around 1, we would try to start having another child. Well, the year is almost up and here we are...trying. We started trying to conceive this month (August). I think we will be successful. I feel like I am ovulating now so we'll probably know by the end of the month, probably sooner if Lincoln starts refusing my milk or if I get tender breasts.
We are not finding out what we are having so we'll have both names picked out. I'm hoping for multiples since I have been skipping a month of ovulation and multiples run in both of our families. My grandfather is a twin and Joe's father is a twin. We would be happy with one too!
I took a pregnancy test on Friday morning (8/31/12) when I woke up. It was negative. I read the instructions later and saw that it was good only after a missed period. At this point I do not even know if implantation had taken place yet.
The next day in the afternoon (9/1/12), we took another test that was good to use 5 days before the missed period. I didn't use it with morning urine so it may not have worked properly, but on top of that the fertilized egg may have been implanting that day so it wouldn't show up pregnant yet anyways. I'm supposed to wait until at least 9/5/12. I don't seem to be having pregnancy symptoms so I may not even test then. I have bad cramping everyday, but it is difficult to know what cramping means when your period hasn't arrived. I'm waiting for some breast tenderness. Lincoln has already weaned from two feedings to one feeding a day.
Honestly, if we are not pregnant this month, I do not know if I want to keep trying. I know there is something wrong with my reproduction organs since I am not ovulating every month and with uterine fibroids it could be complicating things. I'm wondering if this is the right timing, TTC is stressful, and I like my family of three. It won't be until November before we can start trying again. I don't know that we would do anything differently than we did this month. I don't know why it wouldn't work, but I am starting to feel pessimistic. Really God has the say on when we conceive. He may not think now is good timing and He could be right. If we conceived this month, our baby would be born in May around the 14-15. The age gap would be the same as Charles and I, a baby born in September and May.
I started my period on September 7th, not pregnant this month. I started thinking about how I didn't want anymore children. I do not know if I am strong enough to raise more than one baby. We decided to put the family extension on hold for a while. I thought I was ready, but maybe I'm not. Just because our plan was to extend a year later, if we're not ready, we're not ready.
I've been having l o n g cycles every other month that last 48-50 days. So 55 days go by and I still haven't started my period. I mention to Joe that I may need to take a pregnancy test so we can rule that out. I didn't know if my period was delayed for other reasons, like diabetes or something was wrong with my reproductive organs. Didn't necessarily "feel" pregnant. Breasts have been fuller and a little sensitive, but I am nursing. I did start feeling fatigued this week and I felt dizzy in the shower and dinner that night made me feel blah. Joe went to Rite-aid and picked up a box of two pregnancy tests on Thursday, November 1, after dinner. I didn't wait until morning urine. Walking back there I wasn't expecting a positive test. I've seen more negatives than positives and I've thought I was pregnant before and we weren't. I let the urine stream on the wand for 5 seconds, put the cap back on, and placed it on the counter. Within a few seconds the urine reached the results window and a bright blue line lit up. I had never seen a test change so quickly (which I've only seen one other one). I don't even think my pants were pulled up before I saw that we were pregnant. I stood there looking at it for a while and then walked around the bedroom (Joe and Lincoln were waiting in the living room). I was hoping with the second pregnancy to surprise my husband with a picture text or a "bun in the oven" scheme. I didn't
have a cell phone back there with me so I just walked out there with the wand in my hand. I held it out and said, "We're pregnant." He and Lincoln came over to me and hugged me. I said something about it being a surprise and not expecting that and Joe said something about Lincoln having a brother or sister. I think we were both in shock the rest of the night and the next day, even still 4 days later. I left the test on the end table in the living room and every time I walked by, I looked to see if it still said positive. I don't think it has "hit" us yet.
Like I said, I had changed my mindset about wanting more children so I wasn't prepared for this news. Joe and I have to trust that God won't give us more than we can handle. We haven't told our families yet so we are keeping it a secret for a little while. I told my previous midwife on a message over facebook. I told Joe today that he could tell his co-worker because he felt like he needed to tell someone and he doesn't have connections with anyone else we know.
I've tried getting an appointment as soon as possible. I am off Monday and Tuesday this week so I called my previous healthcare provider. The soonest I could get in there was November 12th. I want to wait at least until I go to the doctor before we start telling people. With the first I told the morning we found out at 4 weeks! I'm predicting to be almost 8 weeks if going by my last menstrual cycle. That is why I want to go to the doctor because they will be able to tell us the fetal age based on the size and the date of conception. So we may be due around June 14. So much to think about as far as jobs, healthcare providers, VBAC or family-centered cesarean birth, and living arrangements.
Joe started talking to the fetus today and he got teary-eyed, maybe it is starting to set in. So, I'll continue to go to the ICAN meetings and really seek information because we do have some important decisions to make about the care of me and our baby.
We went to Women's Wellness Center on November 12 at 2:00 in Toccoa, GA. I took a half day off of work so we could go. It was nice seeing my midwife again and catching up. At our ultrasound, we saw our baby at 7 weeks and 2 days old. I asked when we conceived so I would know when I was ovulating (since I didn't even think I was). Turns out, we conceived 29 days after my period rather than 14 days after a 28-day cycle. I knew I wasn't having a normal cycle every other month! We are due June 29, 2013.
We are not finding out what we are having so we'll have both names picked out. I'm hoping for multiples since I have been skipping a month of ovulation and multiples run in both of our families. My grandfather is a twin and Joe's father is a twin. We would be happy with one too!
I took a pregnancy test on Friday morning (8/31/12) when I woke up. It was negative. I read the instructions later and saw that it was good only after a missed period. At this point I do not even know if implantation had taken place yet.
The next day in the afternoon (9/1/12), we took another test that was good to use 5 days before the missed period. I didn't use it with morning urine so it may not have worked properly, but on top of that the fertilized egg may have been implanting that day so it wouldn't show up pregnant yet anyways. I'm supposed to wait until at least 9/5/12. I don't seem to be having pregnancy symptoms so I may not even test then. I have bad cramping everyday, but it is difficult to know what cramping means when your period hasn't arrived. I'm waiting for some breast tenderness. Lincoln has already weaned from two feedings to one feeding a day.
Honestly, if we are not pregnant this month, I do not know if I want to keep trying. I know there is something wrong with my reproduction organs since I am not ovulating every month and with uterine fibroids it could be complicating things. I'm wondering if this is the right timing, TTC is stressful, and I like my family of three. It won't be until November before we can start trying again. I don't know that we would do anything differently than we did this month. I don't know why it wouldn't work, but I am starting to feel pessimistic. Really God has the say on when we conceive. He may not think now is good timing and He could be right. If we conceived this month, our baby would be born in May around the 14-15. The age gap would be the same as Charles and I, a baby born in September and May.
I started my period on September 7th, not pregnant this month. I started thinking about how I didn't want anymore children. I do not know if I am strong enough to raise more than one baby. We decided to put the family extension on hold for a while. I thought I was ready, but maybe I'm not. Just because our plan was to extend a year later, if we're not ready, we're not ready.
I've been having l o n g cycles every other month that last 48-50 days. So 55 days go by and I still haven't started my period. I mention to Joe that I may need to take a pregnancy test so we can rule that out. I didn't know if my period was delayed for other reasons, like diabetes or something was wrong with my reproductive organs. Didn't necessarily "feel" pregnant. Breasts have been fuller and a little sensitive, but I am nursing. I did start feeling fatigued this week and I felt dizzy in the shower and dinner that night made me feel blah. Joe went to Rite-aid and picked up a box of two pregnancy tests on Thursday, November 1, after dinner. I didn't wait until morning urine. Walking back there I wasn't expecting a positive test. I've seen more negatives than positives and I've thought I was pregnant before and we weren't. I let the urine stream on the wand for 5 seconds, put the cap back on, and placed it on the counter. Within a few seconds the urine reached the results window and a bright blue line lit up. I had never seen a test change so quickly (which I've only seen one other one). I don't even think my pants were pulled up before I saw that we were pregnant. I stood there looking at it for a while and then walked around the bedroom (Joe and Lincoln were waiting in the living room). I was hoping with the second pregnancy to surprise my husband with a picture text or a "bun in the oven" scheme. I didn't
have a cell phone back there with me so I just walked out there with the wand in my hand. I held it out and said, "We're pregnant." He and Lincoln came over to me and hugged me. I said something about it being a surprise and not expecting that and Joe said something about Lincoln having a brother or sister. I think we were both in shock the rest of the night and the next day, even still 4 days later. I left the test on the end table in the living room and every time I walked by, I looked to see if it still said positive. I don't think it has "hit" us yet.
Like I said, I had changed my mindset about wanting more children so I wasn't prepared for this news. Joe and I have to trust that God won't give us more than we can handle. We haven't told our families yet so we are keeping it a secret for a little while. I told my previous midwife on a message over facebook. I told Joe today that he could tell his co-worker because he felt like he needed to tell someone and he doesn't have connections with anyone else we know.
I've tried getting an appointment as soon as possible. I am off Monday and Tuesday this week so I called my previous healthcare provider. The soonest I could get in there was November 12th. I want to wait at least until I go to the doctor before we start telling people. With the first I told the morning we found out at 4 weeks! I'm predicting to be almost 8 weeks if going by my last menstrual cycle. That is why I want to go to the doctor because they will be able to tell us the fetal age based on the size and the date of conception. So we may be due around June 14. So much to think about as far as jobs, healthcare providers, VBAC or family-centered cesarean birth, and living arrangements.
Joe started talking to the fetus today and he got teary-eyed, maybe it is starting to set in. So, I'll continue to go to the ICAN meetings and really seek information because we do have some important decisions to make about the care of me and our baby.
We went to Women's Wellness Center on November 12 at 2:00 in Toccoa, GA. I took a half day off of work so we could go. It was nice seeing my midwife again and catching up. At our ultrasound, we saw our baby at 7 weeks and 2 days old. I asked when we conceived so I would know when I was ovulating (since I didn't even think I was). Turns out, we conceived 29 days after my period rather than 14 days after a 28-day cycle. I knew I wasn't having a normal cycle every other month! We are due June 29, 2013.