Hypomelanic Macules "Ash leaf spots"
On November 30, I noticed a white spot on Grey's upper left thigh. I know the date because I keep a calendar with all the daily events and I record them for her (and us). Anyways, the spot looked like a birthmark to me. I have a port wine mark on my upper left thigh too. So I wrote on her calendar- birthmark. I took her for her 6-month well check on Monday, December 23. After her exam, I asked about her scalp (cradle cap) and the spot on her leg. Turns out, it isn't a birth mark...Before he replied, he asked, "Is that the only one?" I told him as far as we knew and it popped up a few weeks ago. He said it was there when she was born, but it is just now noticeable because pigment in her skin. Apparently, if there are a few, it is tuberous sclerosis and it is dangerous. He didn't go into detail, but he did say you don't want that. Like any curious and concerned parent, I researched "ash leaf spot" so I could learn more about what my daughter h...