Cleaning schedule
So with the new year, we are trying to figure out a way to stay on top of the chores so they don't pile up. With both of us working and spending time with the kids in the evenings, we can't figure out how to get them done. We made a list of what needs to be done weekly. Then we split them to Week A and Week B and alternate weeks. Some chores on the list are daily or as needed while others we plan do on Wednesdays and Saturdays. We are alternating so one doesn't burned out doing a certain chore. Also, assigning the chores takes the guess work and expectations out of it. We won't wonder who is going to do what. Sure, there are some things that we are better at or enjoy more, but for now we are going to try this.
Week A
Dishes (loading and unloading the dishwasher) (D)
Sweep and mop kitchen and dining room (D)
Dust (S)
Clean bathrooms (W)
Week B
Laundry (wash, dry, and sort) (W & S)
Vacuum carpets (S)
Trash (take out and replace with new bag) (D)

I forgot to mention that I had Merry Maids come to the house last week for a quote. I was going to
see about how much it would cost for someone to do our laundry once a week. It would be $50, but only as an add-on to another cleaning service. The "maid" has to be doing other cleaning while the laundry is going. The bathrooms were $79 a week, plus the laundry would be $130. No thanks...
Do you have a chore system in the house for the adults or children?