Circus Coming to Town

The Cole Bros Circus is coming to Beaufort this week. I have never been a circus fan. The whole thing just seems creepy, and pointless honestly.

When Joe and I were in Athens, Ga, we had an opinion about animals for entertainment purposes. We decided we wouldn't support zoos, dog and horse races, and rodeos.

I went to the zoo as a child for school field trips. I went to a zoo in Thailand. We took the kids to the Jacksonville Zoo last April. We've been to a couple aquariums. Is it animal cruelty to take a horse drawn carriage tour of historic Beaufort? I don't belong to PETA and I won't go as far as they do. I eat meat among other things. To me, I guess zoos and aquariums seem somewhat educational and circuses, races, and rodeos do not. I don't know where I draw the line. Although, I know I won't be taking my kids to the circus this week.



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