Gratitude Journal

I am reading a book called Happy Women Live Better. Valarie Burton is a motivational speaker I heard on the Christian radio I listen to. I just read the chapter on Gratitude, being thankful. A way to activate your Happiness trigger is to keep a gratitude journal of things you are thankful for. Before you go to bed, you can write three things you were thankful for that day. Also, you can write a thank-you letter to someone. I am going to make an effort to recognize things and people I am thankful for.

On another note, the next chapter is on fakebook or facebook , which leads into Connection (which was my weakest area) so I am taking a hiatus from facebook for 1 week. I have deleted the app off my phone. No comparisons, no connecting with people that aren't in the room with me, no wasting time on things that are not important, no bragging or sharing with people that do not need to know my business.

I bought a new book Summer Rental so I am going to read that this week.

Update: What a great week it was to be free of such a time-consuming activity. I had time for more important things, but the anticipation of using facebook after the week was over was exciting too. I had something to look forward to, which is another happiness trigger.  


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