The Semicolon Project

"We’ll start here: a semi-colon is a place in a sentence where the author has the decision to stop with a period, but chooses not to. A semi-colon is a reminder to pause and then keep going." I've struggled with depression on several occasions throughout my life. My counselor says I have reoccurring depression. I have been receiving out-patient services for 6 months and taking an antidepressant. Both have helped tremendously. When I heard about The Semicolon Project , I could not help being moved and making a connection with the movement. Now I want a tattoo. Henna design that she simplified for the comma So I am going to form a semicolon using a mandala and some henna designs using brown ink as a permanent henna. I'm wanting it on my hand. I think it will be a design I love and a constant reminder of where I was and what a wonderful place I am in now. I made an appointment on Tuesday, July 21 from 2:00-3:00pm at Yes, It Hurts...