Burritos and Brussel Sprouts

Thursday night, Joe planned on us having burritos for dinner so I started browning the meat before he got home so that it would be ready for him to make burritos. I dug through the produce drawer looking for vegetables. I know we do not usually eat a vegetable with our burritos, but I knew I needed some for the baby. I saw green beans, broccoli, and brussel sprouts. We have only eaten brussel sprouts one other time since we have been married, make that once in my life. They sounded good to me so I washed them, cut the thick core part off, laid them in a pan, sprinkled them with olive oil and salt and broiled them on 500 degrees. I heard them popping in the oven so I took them out and shook the pan so the balls would rotate. I put them back in a little longer until they started burning on the outside (not on purpose). Joe came in the kitchen and was curious what I had in the oven. I said,  "I made some brussel sprouts." He said, "With burritos?" As we were sitting down to eat dinner, he said, "That's what I am going to title my blog tonight, Burritos and Brussel Sprouts."


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