First Appointment

is scheduled for Wednesday, January 26 at 8:00am. They said they do not see anyone before 6 weeks anyways. During the first appt. there will be blood work, a physical exam, medical history, Q & A, etc. I must say I am a little anxious to get to my first appointment. The waiting is going to be tough!

We are currently pursuing the Midwifery Services at Athens Regional. We didn't want to go the traditional labor and delivery route because of the increased number of C-sections and inducing medications. As far as I can tell, homebirths are not permitted here. That was my first option. Then I checked into birthing centers and the nearest one is in Greenville, SC. Luckily, there is a facilty behind the hospital that uses midwives. We have a service intro appt. on Tuesday to look around and ask questions. I'm pretty sure that is the route we are going to choose even before we visit. I'm interested in a water birth or squatting. We watched the documentry, The Business of Being Born, earlier last year and we both agreed that we wanted to stay away from a hospital.

To pass the time until my appointment, I am going to purchase a pregnancy journal after school today. I love writing and documenting experiences. I think this will help me to pass the time.


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