Summer vacation

My summer vacation officially started on Monday, May 23. I do not count the weekends since I have them off anyways.

Monday, May 23- I woke up at 6:15 since I had a doctor's appt. in Toccoa at 9:00. Joe had a lot to do at work so I went to this appt. by myself. We knew it was just a quick 30-minute check-up so he wouldn't miss anything. My blood pressure was higher than usual (130), which I was nervous about because I had been checking it at Rite-Aid and CVS and it was even higher than that. The end of the school year had me stressed out and we were eating a lot at school. I wasn't getting as much exercise as I should. I could feel pressure in my arms. The midwife didn't seem concerned, but I asked what I could do to lower it because I like it below 120. She said drink a lot of water and eat cucumbers and watermelons. Of course, exercise 5 days a week for 30-minutes should be done anyways.

I asked several questions:
  • body acne, which is out of control!
  • blood pressure
  • weight gain range for me (12-15 pounds)
  • home births (which is a little late)
  • hypnobirthing
  • hiring a Douala
Then she measured my belly from my pubic bone to the top of my uterus and said it was 23 centimeters, which is normal size. She listened to Lincoln's heartbeat (140), which was in the normal range (110-160). We scheduled a 4D ultrasound at the next visit and I have to get tested for gestational diabetes. We will return on June 22 at 9:00.

I drove back to Athens and stopped at an Ingles. I was so hungry and everything looked good. I bought some lunch stuff, desserts, and fruit and some necessities like milk, cheese, and orange juice. I decided I would pack Joe's lunch the next day since I bought some great things and I have the time. I really enjoyed the Ingles grocery store. It was quiet, open, and fresh. They had a cake decorating training in session for the employees and they have a massive olive bar and freshly baked breads, etc.

I unpacked the groceries and made me a delicious sandwich with cibatta bread, wheat crackers with laughing cow cheese, and a cookie. I feel like I ate something else, but I can't remember.

I cleaned the kitchen by putting dished away and loading the dishwasher. I put on my maternity bathing suit and went to the YMCA for a swim and to get some color. The indoor and outdoor pool were both open. Summer camp started so children were swimming in both pools. I doggie paddled mostly for exercise. The sun felt good. The water outside was still too cold for me so I swam in the indoor pool again after I laid out. The acne on my chest and back benefited from the pool water (which was salty) and the sun. I ate dinner alone because my husband had to work until 8 something. We watched The Bachelorette and went to bed at 10:00.

Tuesday, May 24- We woke up and I made blueberry waffles and turkey bacon for us for breakfast. Then I made his lunch which consisted on a chicken and cheese cibatta sandwich with tomatoes and pickles, wheat thins with a laughing cow cheese wedge, watermelon, a Cutie (seedless mandarin), and a vanilla Moon Pie. I included a bamboo knife for spreading the cheese, a fork, and a cloth napkin. I wrote a message with a Sharpie on the skin of the Cutie. He loved the lunch!He said it was delicious and it was so fun to pack. Sometimes he eats out or packs his own lunch since he leaves later than me in the morning. My goal this summer is to make his lunch as often as I can. It will require me to get up with him, which is a sacrifice, but worth it.

We both had dental consultations at Dr. Lawrence George's office. Joe went at 9:20 and mine followed.We drove separately since Joe had to leave for work afterwards. I wasn't able to have xrays done since I am pregnant so my consultation was shorter and cheaper. However, they had a cancellation and I was able to get my first teeth cleaning completed. Joe will go back in a week for some fillings, cleaning, and teeth whiting. Our bill was $396, but thankfully Clarke County School District reimburses the money! I'm thankful for the coverage.

I cashed a check and mailed a package on my way home. Once I got home, I didn't leave for the rest of the day. I started feeling bored already! My belly is starting to make me feel uncomfortable when I sit and lay. I turned on the TV at 3 something and I think that is all I did for the rest of the night. Joe returned from work after 11, which I was already sleeping by then.


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