Capturing the Memories

Lincoln will be one month this week. I think about him only being this age once and wonder if I am getting enough pictures and documenting everything in his baby book. Most of the pictures I take are on my iphone, some are on our digital camera. On my computer I made sure I made a folder and put all the photos in it so I will have them all together. I'll probably make a hard cover photo book with his first year instead of a scrap book or photo album like my parents used to it. Times have changed so much where everything is digital. We no longer print out photographs. I want to make sure I have photos for Lincoln one day when he wants to see what his childhood was like. Then there is the side that if you are always worried about capturing everything, you miss out on just enjoying the moment.

I saw a Google Chrome commercial where a father made an email account for his daughter. He'd email her photos with captions of trips and memories. I thought about doing that for Lincoln and then at a certain age sharing it with him and it would all be in one place!


Eve Heaton said…
I love that Dear Sophie idea! Very original.

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