Relia Brand adiri Natural Nurser

When I was at reBlossom, I saw a crazy bottle on the shelf for $4.99. It was upside down and a transluscent white color. The top screwed off, which was actually the bottom. The nipple area was one piece and very soft and squishy. It was branded on the side "adiri". Curious as I am, I did a Google search when I returned home. There are three different color bottles it turns out and the one I saw was Stage 1 for 0-3 months. Lincoln would need the orange one (6 months +) with a faster flow. He uses a bottle once a day when he is at school and if he weren't already 8.5 months, I might would consider getting one to experiement with. Amazon prices them at $13.99 each for the slow flows and $11.99 for the two-pack of fast flow. There is even a life-like breast bottle nurser.
Has anyone ever tried one?


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