October Baby (movie review)

I first heard about October Baby from the Athens Pregnancy Center. I follow them on facebook and in November or December they posted a free movie showing of October Baby at a church in Watkinsville. I watched the trailer and planned on attending. Then morning sickness started and the showing was on a Friday night in the evening. Needless to say, I wasn't able to make it.

I've been wanting to volunteer at the Athens Pregnancy Center for a while. My father was the coordinator for the Life Chain in Beaufort every year. This was a silent event where we held signs on the sidewalk in front of the government building every September that said, "Abortion Kills Children, Jesus Forgives and Heals, and Adoption: The Loving Option". We prayed quietly or sung hymns as we stood. The reactions were mixed as you would suspect- fingers and cheers (or honks). I enjoyed doing it, I supported the cause, and I am still pro-life to this day. There was a crisis pregnancy center that my parents supported and I grew up hearing about Right to Life. Members in our church would witness to people outside of clinics before they went in and I was always told to boycott 'Planned Parenthood' because they offer abortions as an option.

My husband bought me the October Baby DVD for Christmas. Last week while I was home by myself, I watched it. It is about a girl who survived a failed abortion attempt. She had emotional and physical trauma due to the difficult birth. She was born at 24 weeks and adopted. There are some graphic details about her brother's arm being torn off during the abortion procedure. It is rated PG-13 and filmed by the same church that put out Courageous.

After the seeing the movie, I still feel as passionate about the unborn as I did before. I can't see any circumstance where an abortion is okay. I've seen and felt my babies growing inside of me. I know the joy seeing them for the first time in an ultrasound and in person. The thought of sucking or ripping the baby out of me prematurely to it's death disgusts me. Anyone that thinks that should be a "choice" makes me question their spiritual and mental ability. The argument that you hear the most is, "What about if the pregnancy was the result of a rape or incest?" Seriously? How many of the babies aborted each year are a result of a rape? Whether it is teenagers being irresponsible, a young adult trying to establish a career, an untimely pregnancy for a married couple, a baby with a birth defect, or a result of a crime, I do not think abortion is acceptable. It's black and white for me. Murder is murder.


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