
Today, November 5, is National Redhead Day. Ever since I can remember, elementary school, I have had an attraction to guys with red hair. I've had several crushes and boyfriends with red hair.
Owen Grey's Anatomy
I don't know what it is. I once told Joseph that my attraction stemmed from feeling sorry for them; thinking they were made fun of growing up. They usually have pale skin and excessive freckles to go with the red tresses. That is our running joke in our house "You just felt sorry for me." I love how their eye lashes are almost non-existent and even the hairs all over their bodies are so orange.

I was watching an episode of Brain Games when I realized how different I am from society. You had to rate the attractiveness of the images in pictures. I chose the red headed guy as the most attractive, but compared to most humans' brains, that image was considered the least attractive by the people polled...

Brain Games 
Laws of Attraction episode


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